
Пример использования временных форм в английском языке в активном залоге

Идея этой статьи возникла после просмотра одного YouTube видео на тему временных форм. Я решил собрать вместе все свои знания о временных формах и написал автору видео такой комментарий:

Hi. Your video is cool.
m watching your video and writing my comment. - present continuous
like watching your videos from time to time. - present simple
ve already watched about 10 videos like this. - present perfect
ve been learning English for a few years. - present perfect continuous
watched one of your videos yesterday. - past simple
was watching it while my son was doing his homework. - past continuous & past continuous
had started watching it before he came home. - past perfect & past simple
had been watching it for about 20 minutes before he began doing his homework. - past perfect continuous & past simple
told me that he would watch YouTube too, but later. - past simple & future in the past
wasn't going to argue with him. - past continuous
ll watch one of your videos tomorrow if I have time in the evening. - future simple & present simple
ll have bought products by the time I come home. - future perfect & present simple
ll be watching YouTube videos at 10 pm. - future continuous
ll have been watching them for 20 or 30 minutes by then. - future perfect continuous

I wouldn't have written such a long comment if I hadn't had time.

Are there any mistakes?
временные формы в английском
В русском языке такого многообразия временных форм нет. А в испанском языке, например, временных форм не меньше хотя до начала его изучения я думал, что он легче в этом плане. Кстати, вы можете прочитать историю о том почему я начал учить испанский и что из этого вышло.

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